Self Defense

Safety = first priority

People ask: “What style is the most effective way of self-defence?” Edwin Baas says: “There are no effective or useless fighting styles but only people who practice their combat method in an effective or worthless way. Purely an individual matter. The name of the style/system is completely irrelevant, because fighting is and remains what it is and that is fighting. Nothing more and nothing less. A name is just a name. The effectiveness depends on the practitioner. No system/style will give you magical powers. As a practitioner, you have to shape it yourself.”

Self-defense training can increase self-confidence in many cases, but Baas don’t want to give people a false sense of security. Training once, just a few tricks for in case of emergency, will no be enough. Every attacker and every situation is different, so there is never a 100% guarantee that a defense will work or succeed. The more you train, the better prepared you are. Consistent and disciplined training leads to muscle memory.

Baas, who is certified instructor in several self defense and fight systems,  selects the most effective techniques and principles from different systems and adapts the training to the group or individuals.

Next to the strictly physical self-defense training, we also provide aggression management training, which covers both theory and practice. This training also focuses on prevention and dealing with verbal aggression.

Classes, private groups, personal training, etc.

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