Kuki award
CuraBox was one of the nominees and won the kuki award because boxing.cw was the most updated website of the year 2024. This was the last time, after 20 years, that organizers Ace Suares and Rianne Hellings awarded this prize. The great thing is that Edwin Baas also...
October 10 Dia di Pais Kòrsou
Edwin Baas has mixed feelings, because according to him October 10, 2010 was a death blow for Curacao sport. He assumes that most people are familiar with the consequences for the sport of the disappearance of the Netherlands Antilles. Gedane zaken nemen geen keer, so...
MMA seminar by Stefan Lems
Stefan Lems of Ruthless Fight Company, is a well-known and internationally respected expert in the MMA scene. Stefan was trained by Kops Gym and passes on his knowledge and professional experiences in the MMA and Wrestling field. Most people also know Stefan Lems as...
Shawn Pryce making Pro-Boxing debut
Olympic week
Kids clinics
The free kids clinics by Baas Sports Curaçao, on April 12, July 16, July 23 and October 8 @ SAMBIL Curaçao, were great successes.
Victories for Ilai and Shawn
Both Ilai Lie and Shawn Pryce, from Baas Sports, won May 30, 2024, @ Papa Godett Trophy. Also lof of respect for the opponents, because there are no losers in this game. The audience was big winner too for watching great fights for free.
Raekwon Baas @ Portimão Box Cup
May 24, 2024, Raekwon Baas (FitBoyz 010) won the international Portimão Box Cup in Portugal.
Raekwon Baas ZNK Champion
April 21, 2024, Raekwon Baas (FitBoyz 010) became South Netherlands Champion and won his third championship title in the Netherlands.
Martial Kids @ Sambil
Due to the great enthusiasm, we were unable to accept anyone after 30 registrations. Nevertheless, a total of 36 children aged 8 till 12 years participated at the free Martial Kids clinic @ Sambil.
FMA Seminar
Martial Arts Expert Marcel Horstman, from Warisan The Netherlands, gave some great and free training sessions in FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) / Silat @ Baas Sports Curacao and @ Parasasa beach.April 4, 2024 @ Baas Sports Curacao.April 6, 2024 from 8 to 12 am, seminar @...
Baas Sports boxers victorious
Both Ilai Lie and Shawn Pryce from Baas Sports made a victorious debut and Rayen Guanipa and Quinlan Winterdal showed great boxing skills in their exhibition bouts.
Self Defense clinics for Women
February 20 & 27, Edwin Baas & Palmira Baas, gave Self Defense clinics for Women at Sambil. Sambil's marketing department thanks for this great initiative. More
Raekwon Baas champion OZNK
After six months of not being able to box competitive, Raekwon Baas, now training at FitBoyz 010, made a successful comeback in the ring.During the Open Championships OZNK he won the quarter-final on January 20, 2024. In Breda, January 21, Raekwon won Belgium, who...
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